CAIS Online Learning e-Safety Policy
1. Scope and Purpose 目的及范围
Created制定日期 15/02/2020
1.1 This policy applies to all students at Changchun American International School (CAIS). All students are expected to employ safeguards effectively and manage risks independently. CAIS will provide support and guidance to ensure that our students remain e-safe. The purpose of this policy is to provide a safe, secure and supportive environment for all students. Any risks to employees must be directed to their relevant supervisors (HOD, GL, Coordinators, Principal and HoS)
1.2 The scope of the Online Safeguarding Policy covers the use of the internet and school enabled electronic communication devices including, but not limited to, email, mobile phones, games consoles, PCs, laptops, tablets and social networking sites.
2. Context 内容
Being online is an integral part of children and young people’s lives. Social media, online games, websites and apps can be accessed through mobile phones, computers, laptops and tablets – all of which form a part of children and young people’s online world.
The internet and online technology provides new opportunities for young people’s learning and growth, but it can also expose them to new types of risks. E-safety should form a fundamental part of schools’ safeguarding and child protection measures. A whole school approach to online safety helps ensure staff, leadership, governors, and parents teach children about online safety.
Schools have a dual responsibility when it comes to e-safety: to ensure the school’s online procedures keep children and young people safe, and to teach them about online safety, in and outside of school.
3. E-safety 网络安全
CAIS recognises that children, as individuals, have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, free from emotional or physical danger, abuse and neglect. Safeguarding children is fundamental to the general well being social, emotional, physical and mental development of each child; consequently it is essential to have clear guidelines and procedures in place when dealing with matters involving child protection.
We are committed to anti-discriminatory practice and recognise children’s diverse circumstances. We ensure that all children have the same protection, regardless of any barriers they may face.
CAIS will not tolerate abuse or inappropriate use of technology, whether off-line or on-line, from any member of the CAIS community, from administrators, teachers, office staff, support staff, students or parents. Communications by all parties should be courteous and respectful at all times and reflect the highest professional standards.
Any reported incident of bullying or harassment, or other unacceptable conduct, will fall under the CAIS Student Safeguarding Policies and procedures and will result in the application of formal interventions.
CAIS also recognises that peer-on-peer abuse may take place, and is formulating a more concrete policy and d for this specific area.
4. Electronic contact with students 网络接触学生
Electronic contact is defined as the communication or publication of information (including images) between two or more people using an electronic device. This may occur using (but is not limited to) landline and mobile phones, other handheld electronic devices, gaming equipment and computers. Electronic contact may include but is not limited to voice communication, text communication, instant messaging, email, social networking sites, blogs, photos and videos.
Teachers must教师必须:
· Use appropriate language with children and young people and challenge any inappropriate language used by a student, or adult
· Use neutral language at all times in order to prevent any misunderstanding of intent, or possible accusations of misconduct.
· Respect a student's right to privacy.
· Be dressed appropriately at all times when on visible online
· Please refer to the section in the CAIS Employee Handbook on Dress Code for appropriate attire and the updates CAIS Teacher dress code.
Staff must request permission from the Principal and relevant Coordinator for any electronic contact with a student which is of a non-work-related nature before, during or after a course. For example, requesting mobile phone numbers from students is necessary for an excursion.
However, staff should only give out the school excursion mobile number, and not their own private number. Social-networking on Facebook etc is strictly prohibited.
In any electronic contact with students, staff must pay particular attention to use neutral, un- emotive language that will not be misconstrued.
Staff must not exchange any information with a student that they would not be happy to share with the child’s parent or guardian.
Students are informed induction and in the new student booklet that staff are not allowed to befriend them on Facebook or any other social media platform.
5. ZOOM live video SESSIONS
Please note the following from the CAIS Safe-Guarding policy:
• Never be alone with children at school activities without another adult being notified. (p.29)
• 组织学生在校活动时,必须告知相应管理者 (p.29)
This is the same in a virtual space. Teachers must not therefore Wechat OR Zoom students individually without being in a group. Teachers therefore must include a member of the Admin team in any group that includes students. This is the same in a virtual space. Teachers must not therefore Wechat or message students in individually without the communication being in a group. Teachers therefore must include a member of the Admin team in any group that includes students.
5.1. Teachers must first obtain permission from the parent or guardian stating they are aware of, and approve of the communication.
5.2 ALL parents will be asked to give their consent to the Live ZOOM video sessions. Only the children of those who give there consent can join these sessions.
5.3 Broadcast times should be negotiated and mutually convenient for the vast majority of students (teachers can consult the Student Geographical Location document and liaise with their students/parents.
5.4 The broadcast times should be shared with academic leadership by adding to the Work Record Set document
5.5 Every live video broadcast must be recorded. These can be added to the website later. Students should be reminded periodically that these sessions are being recorded.
5.6 Teachers will record the attendance of each live video broadcast.
5.7 Teachers must be dressed appropriately at all times when on visible online 在线授课时,教师应当穿着得体。
5.8 Teachers must use appropriate language and challenge any inappropriate language or comments
5.9 Students must:学生必须:
• Use appropriate language at all times
• Use neutral language at all times in order to prevent any misunderstanding of intent
• Respect other student's right to privacy.
• Be dressed appropriately at all times when on visible online
5.10 Parents Must家长必须:
5.10.1 ALL Parents must give the school consent for their child to join live Zoom video lessons
5.10.2 Primary parents must ensure an adult is with their child during live Zoom lessons
Please note: Under no circumstances teachers must live video or communicate on a one- to-one with individual students. This will be reported and lead to disciplinary action.
All staff and parents must periodically remind students of the potential dangers of sharing personal information on the internet, uploading photographs, online harassment and the potential for scams.
The school’s Online Safety policy is given to students, teachers and parents. 学校的网络安全政策适用于全体学生、教师和家长。