
Primary and Early Years Team

The Primary learning leaders support and coordinate teaching and learning as well as the social, emotional and well-being of all students from Nursery to PYP5. 

Secondary Team

The Secondary leadership team supports learning and the social, emotional and well-being of students from MYP1 to DP2,  which includes over 180 students and more than 35 teachers.  The MYP Coordinator supports and facilitates the MYP programme from MYP1 to MYP5 (grades 6-10). The DP Coordinator supports and facilitates the DP programme from DP1 to DP2 (grades 11-12). The Head of Students Services and the Head of Student Life oversee and support the social, emotional and well-being of all secondary students from MYP1 to DP2, and coordinate the Home Room Advisors. The College Counselor works with students beginning in MYP4 (grade 8) to familiarize them with career opportunities and different courses. In DP1 and DP2 students have individual appointments with the CGO to guide and support their college applications.