Primary EAL Team 
Student Services Team
We primarily cater to students with mild to moderate needs in these areas:
• Communication and Language
• Cognition and Learning
• Social and Emotional
• Sensory
• Mental Health
• Behavioral
• Mobility (including temporary disability)
In addition to collaborating with outside professionals, CAIS uses Response to Intervention to identify students with behavioral or academic concerns.
RtI is a multi-tiered support system which applies varied levels of assistance and monitors students’ progress. The Learning Support Specialist will collect and analyze data concerning academic and behavioral progress.
Learning Support Specialist
The Learning Support Specialist provides consultation, evaluation, intervention, prevention, and research, and training services. These services are intended to benefit students, parents, staff members and the administration. These services cannot replace or supplant the diagnostic responsibilities of private practitioners.
Learning Support Team
The Learning Support Team is comprised of general education, Learning Support, academic leadership, parents and the student
The Team will meet to discuss any issues concerning the student that may require additional services outside of what is regularly provided to all students. If the Team feels that the student requires significant accommodations / modifications to reach grade level expectations and / or appropriate access to the school environment, the Team will create a Learning Support Plan (LSP) to assist this student reach full potential.